Thursday 31 July 2014

Do you know to remove the Pesticides from the vegetable and fruits ? salt water!

How to Soak Vegetables & Fruit in Sea Salt Water to Remove Pesticides
Produce sold in supermarkets may contain pesticides. 
Pesticides are chemicals intended to prevent infestation of fresh produce by pests. Produce pests include insects and bugs, birds and some mammals, microbes, weeds and plant pathogens, among others. While pesticides prevent infestation, they also pose a threat to human health because they can be harmful when ingested. Conventional, non-organic produce runs a higher risk of pesticides than organic produce, but you can remedy this with a solution of sea salt, which is a natural disinfectant.

Step 1

Fill a sink or container with lukewarm water using a measuring cup. Keep track of how many cups it takes to fill the sink or container with water.

Step 2

Add one teaspoon of sea salt for every cup of water used to fill the container or sink. Stir the mixture with a serving spoon or other appropriate kitchen utensil.

Step 3

Place all fruits and vegetables in the sink or container and let them soak for at least two minutes. A vegetable scrub can be used to further remove pesticides with a gentle brushing of the produce exterior.

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Banana Face Mask Recipes For Radiant Skin

For glowing youthful skin, try this DIY Easy Banana Face Masks to make at home!
For glowing youthful skin, try this DIY Easy Banana Face Masks to make at home!
Source: Image Courtesy: | Edited by healthmunsta

What makes Banana Face Masks Beneficial for Skin?

There are some potent vitamins and minerals in bananas which make banana face masks an incredible beauty fix, provided by Mother Nature herself! Some even go far as to say bananas are nature’s painless inexpensive botox, including famous personalities like Dr. Oz. Let’s find out why below!
Nutrient in Banana
Benefit for Skin
Vitamin A
Fades dark spots and blemishes. Smoothens out rough skin
Vitamin B
Prevents aging, reduces dryness, moisturizes and lightens skin
Vitamin E
Known as “The Protector”. Fights free radical damage, bolsters the skin’s UV resistance, prevents and reduces appearance of wrinkles
Solves dry skin by moisturizing and hydrating skin cells
Table showing nutrients in bananas that beautify skin
Coupled with other turbo nutrients from other ingredients, we can make powerful face masks with bananas that will serve multiple purposes. We are going to look at face masks with banana for fighting wrinkles, banishing pimples, skin lightening and more.
Throughout this hub, you will also find important information on FAQs about the banana face mask such as storage and usage tips. Now we shall explore 3 face masks using bananas that will give you skin benefits that may not even be possible with expensive, chemical-laden cosmetic creams.

1. Skin Lightening Banana Face Mask

DIY Banana Face Mask for Skin Lightening. Lightens dark spots, clears blemishes and brightens dull skin.
DIY Banana Face Mask for Skin Lightening. Lightens dark spots, clears blemishes and brightens dull skin.
Source: Source: Source: Image Courtesy: | Edited by healthmunsta
This Skin Brightening Banana Face Mask has 3 power ingredients to hydrate, brighten and lighten your skin. Let’s take a look:
Importance in Face Mask
Has skin lightening properties. Kills bacteria and prevents acne or pimples which can leave behind dark marks.
Lemon Juice
Loaded with citric acid, gently lightens dark skin and evens out discolouration. Also lightens dark spots and acne blemishes.


  1. Pull back your hair with a head band to prevent hairs from getting stuck in the mask, it’s quite sticky!
  2. Wear an old t-shirt or one you don’t mind getting messy because the face mask may drip down to your clothes.
  3. Make yourself busy. To save time, put on the face mask before doing something like getting breakfast ready or while soaking in a bath, so that you kill 2 birds with one stone.
Alright, let’s get on with the mask!
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • 1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice
In a small mixing bowl, place 1 ripe banana and mash it wish a fork into a lump free pulp. Then mix in 1 tsp of honey and 1 tsp of lemon juice and combine the ingredients thoroughly.
Wash your face with a gentle soap and pat dry with a soft towel. Using clean fingers, rub the mask into your face. Apply the mask in a slightly thick layer so it has time to sink in.
Keep on for 10 – 15 minutes. When the time is up, wash your face with warm water and do not use soap. And voila! Be amazed with your glowing radiant skin.

2. Pimple Fighting Banana Face Mask

This easy banana face mask with turmeric and baking soda can help you get glowing skin and reduce pimples as well as blemishes. Stay acne free with regular pimple fighting banana face mask application.
This easy banana face mask with turmeric and baking soda can help you get glowing skin and reduce pimples as well as blemishes. Stay acne free with regular pimple fighting banana face mask application.
Source: Source: Image Courtesy: | Edited by healthmunsta
Plagued by the pimple every so often? It’s all about taking care of your skin with natural potent chemical free ingredients, using this inexpensive banana face mask. It contains turmeric, an ancient dried root herb and baking soda, the versatile cleanser and exfoliator. Let’s cover the uses of these extra ingredient in the face mask first!
Importance in Face Mask
Baking Soda
Breaks down dirt and grime as well as excess oil which clog up pores and cause pimples. Deep cleanses pores.
High potent antibacterial properties destroy bacteria before pimples are formed


  1. How often to use this face mask? Do not use everyday, as over exfoliation of skin is not needed. Use it ever alternative day or 3 times per week.
  2. If you happen to make a large batch of banana face mask (or any other face mask) don’t worry! Most face masks can be stored in the refrigerator for upto 1 week and be used safely. If anything starts smelling funky though, it’s time to hit the trash.
  3. After applying face packs you can always use ice cubes wrapped in a towel to massage your skin. This will close up opened pores and prevent dirt and pollution from making their way in.
1 small ripe banana
½ tsp of turmeric powder
½ tsp of baking soda
Mix together all the above ingredients using a fork in a small bowl. If your mixture is too thick, feel free to add a few drops of water. As usual, apply this mask using clean fingers to your freshly cleaned and patted dry face. The baking soda may sting a little, but this is no cause for alarm.
Keep the mask on for 10 to 15 minutes and wash off with warm water. After patting your face dry with a clean towel, make sure you moisturize your face to prevent your sebaceous glands (producer of natural oil to hydrate skin) from going into overdrive to make up for the lack of oils.

3. Wrinkle Removing Banana Face Mask

An easy at home DIY banana face mask to remove wrinkles and make skin look young!
An easy at home DIY banana face mask to remove wrinkles and make skin look young!
Source: Image Courtesy: www.freedigitalphotos & Wikimedia Commons | Edited by healthmunsta
Did you know that bananas are also called Nature’s Botox? Yes, it’s true! The nutrients in bananas have the power to significantly reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and make the skin look more supple and youthful. In this particular face mask, we are going to combine other wrinkle-busting ingredients to form a powerful combo pack. But first, we shall take a look at the important role of these extra ingredients in the face mask:
Importance in Face Mask
Reduces appearance of large pores, which make skin look aged. Tightens skin pores.
Orange Juice
Rich in Vitamin C, refreshes skin cells and smoothes down harsh lines and wrinkles.


  1. When applying natural masks like this, it is preferable to stand over your sink or in your bathroom to prevent unwanted messes on the floor.
  2. If your mask has dried up in some places and stuck to your skin, please ensure you do not tug on your skin while washing it out. Gently massage the area with water until the mask loosens up and gives way.
  3. You can also add ½ tsp of olive oil to this mask as a moisturizer so that you do not have to reapply moisturizer after using the mask.
1 ripe banana (medium)
1 tsp orange juice
1 tsp thick yogurt
As always, start with a clean dry face. In a mixing bowl, combine all the ingedrients listed above and make a lump-free paste using a fork.
Using clean fingers, apply the mask onto your face and massage it systematically throughout your face for 60 seconds. Then reapply a thick coat of the mask onto your face, and lie down for 15 mins. Breathe calmly and think positive thoughts, while letting the mask work it’s magic!
Wash out your face with cold water, to keep your pores tight. Moisturize your face to prevent it getting dried out to have that supple look.

That’s it!

Those were 3 banana face masks to try out for 3 different skin ailments. Feel free to pin, like and share this hub so your friends can benefit too. My name ishealthmunsta, and I’m glad to be of help! Thanks for visiting, and please come again!

Honey recipe

Orange Honey Syrup


This is a much healthier syrup then the usual sugar based syrups on your pancakes or waffles.  The zing of the orange make is very tasty.


  • 1/2 cup unpasteurized pure honey
  • Juice of one orange
  • 1 tsp. orange peel, finely grated (optional)


  1. Mix ingredients together.
  2. Serve on pancakes or waffles

Dandelion Flower Syrup

This is a great treat from your weeds and it is so easy to make.
Pick your dandelions before mowing the lawn or digging them up for dandelion coffee. Or go out into the country and pick them in the wild away from pollution. Never use ones that have been sprayed with weed killer. My hands get all yellow from the picking.
Dandelion Flower Syrup
1 cup of dandelion flowers
1 cup water
1 cup honey
3 Tbsp lemon juice
  1. Wash the flowers and spin dry them like you would lettuce.
  2. Cut their base to detach the yellow petals from the green leaves; you only want the petals as the green part is bitter. You can do this by hand but it is faster with a knife.
  3. Place the flowers in a pot with 1 cup of water; I use filter water.
  4. Mix well until all petals are covered.
  5. Bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes.
  6. Then simmer on very low heat for 25 minutes.*
  7. Strain the liquid from the flowers into a second pot.
  8. Add honey and stir till melted.
  9. Now mix in lemon juice.
10. Let cool and store in a glass jar in the refrigerator; the honey acts like a preservative.
 * OR Out in a jar and put in the fridge overnight to steep like tea, bringing the flavours out of the flowers.

Peanut Butter Bliss Balls

peanut butter blisss balls
This is one of those recipes that originated in my hippy days in the Kootenays of British Columbia, Canada. 
We had a variety of flavours of ‘Bliss Balls’; this was a favorite.  It did have lots of honey in it though which I reduced the quantity.  I did replace it with rice syrup but since have discovered it is not a good alternative due to it being full of toxins.  Also, it had wheat germ in it which I replaced to make it gluten free.


  • 3/4 cup honey
  • 1 cup peanut butter
  • 3/4 cup coconut flour
  • 1 cup toasted sunflower seeds
  • 1/4 cup toasted sesame seeds (for rolling)
  • 1/4 cup currants


  1. Blend honey and peanut butter.
  2. Mix in remaining ingredients except sesame seeds.
  3. Form into 1 inch balls.
  4. Roll balls in sesame seeds.
  5. Set on a plate or cookie sheet and let them form for 2 hours.
  6. Then store in an airtight container, each layer on parchment paper, in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.

Honey 10 major usage of health

    10 Health Benefits of Honey
    Discover the health benefits of one of the oldest sweeteners on earth, plus some interesting trivia, some great recipes and a few cautions.
    Bees swallow, digest and regurgitate nectar to make honey; this nectar contains almost 600 compounds. We need our bees, so let’s do everything we can to save them and keep them here on this earth.
    Honey is so good we have included it in our list of powerfoods that should be in your kitchen right now.
    “My son, eat thou honey, for it is good” — King Solomon – Proverbs: 24:13
    Health Benefits:
    1. Prevent cancer and heart disease:
    Honey contains flavonoids, antioxidants which help reduce the risk of some cancers and heart disease.
    2. Reduce ulcers and other gastrointestinal disorders.
    Recent research shows that honey treatment may help disorders such as ulcers and bacterial gastroenteritis. This may be related to the 3rd benefit…
    3. Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-fungal:
    “All honey is antibacterial, because the bees add an enzyme that makes hydrogen peroxide,” said Peter Molan, director of the Honey Research Unit at the University of Waikato in New Zealand.
    4. Increase athletic performance.
    Ancient Olympic athletes would eat honey and dried figs to enhance their performance. This has now been verified with modern studies, showing that it is superior in maintaining glycogen levels and improving recovery time than other sweeteners.
    5. Reduce cough and throat irritation:
    Honey helps with coughs, particularly buckwheat honey. In a study of 110 children, a single dose of buckwheat honey was just as effective as a single dose of dextromethorphan in relieving nocturnal cough and allowing proper sleep.

    Properties of honey

    Honey is made up of glucose, fructose, and minerals such as iron, calcium, phosphate, sodium chlorine, potassium, magnesium.
    Below is a typical honey profile, according to BeeSource:2
    • Fructose: 38.2%
    • Glucose: 31.3%
    • Maltose: 7.1%
    • Sucrose: 1.3%
    • Water: 17.2%
    • Higher sugars: 1.5%
    • Ash: 0.2%
    • Other/undetermined: 3.2%
    The slightly acidic pH level of honey (between 3.2 and 4.5) is what helps prevent the growth of bacteria, while its antioxidant constituents cleans up free radicals. The physical properties of honey vary depending on the specific flora that was used to produce it, as well as its water content.