Tuesday 2 September 2014

Cotton Seed Milk – A health drink

 It has rich proteins, fat and fiber. A tasty, refreshing drink with the soul of Tamil nadu’s own special taste. Whoever visits Madurai should try this drink. The taste will stick to your taste buds. Do you wanna try? Of course you will. Why not try this simple recipe at your kitchen?
This help to make strong the nevers system in our body, this is one of the healthy drink. equal to non-veg. 
Needed Ingredients:
Cotton seed       -200 grams
cotton seed
Raw rice flour    -50grams (I used the red raw rice)
rice flour
Grated Coconut-1coconut (small)
Jaggery                 – 250 grams
Cardamoms        -5 to 6
Finally, a pinch of salt( to tone the sweetness too taste sweeter)
Soak the cotton seed in water for about 6-8 hours. Then, grind the soaked cotton with water and extract  the milk. Take the vessel and add 3 glasses of water. Mix the rice flour with water in the vessel. Fire the stove now, and start stirring the rice flour mix at least for 5 minutes. Then add the cotton seed milk extract and stir it for another 10 minutes. Again add the powdered jaggery for sweetness to the mix and continue stirring for another 5 minutes. Finally, for the last 5 minutes add the grated coconut and the cardamom powder to the drink and a pinch of salt. The drink is ready!!
cotton seed milk
Note: Add water accordingly for it serves 10 to 12 glasses. You can also use coconut milk instead of grated coconut. I prefer the grated one since I like the crunchy stuff of the coconut.

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