Wednesday 11 February 2015

Ayurveda -Natural Home Remedies for Weak Eyesight

Ayurveda -Natural Home Remedies for Weak Eyesight
Ayurveda -Natural Home Remedies for Weak Eyesight
As you read this article, off a tablet or a computer screen, you are unwittingly exposing your sensitive eyes to ill-willing factors. Harmful air pollution is real, too, and we can even feel our eyes tire out in front of bright sunlight, dust and other elements. As our generation spends more and more time indoors, away from natural settings, there is absolutely no respite for tired eyes.

Eye Muscle Strain:

Most of us involuntarily force our eye muscles to cringe and squint, to be able to read fine print or to focus hard on the excel sheet, or an engrossing movie, or an interesting article. While doing this we have scant regard or realization that our muscles have been forced into a “deadlock” without allowing relaxing times in between.  All these manifest in mild to severe headaches and regular visits to the ophthalmologist.
And many of us have had no choice, we were born with bad eyesight, and we’ve been wearing glasses or contacts for years, maybe ever since we can remember. We’re frustrated, of course, because it’s rather depressing to wake up and not be able to see the time relying only on our natural eyesight. We’re trying to correct it really hard, but it becomes even harder to remain healthy when everything in modern society is based more or less upon technology.
Care for your Eyes the Natural way:
Modern science allows for corrective laser surgery and contact lenses, to bring some reprieve but wouldn’t you like to do it more naturally, and avoid disturbing the delicate and complex texture, of God’s beautiful creation? And given the fact that we are so deeply rooted within what we know within our culture, I think we owe it to ourselves to try what other people are skeptical about – because let’s face it, we tend to be wary of that, which we do not know.
Ayurveda, one of the most ancient and exhaustive medical systems, has many natural preventive, as well as curative, remedies to provide relief to our weary eyes.  These remedies are simple in their approach and derived from readily available herbs, and trigger our body mechanisms to start the internal healing process.
Guess it’s time we respect how our eyes are the only visual mediums to absorb and cherish, the wonders and joys of what nature has created for us.

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