Saturday 18 January 2014

Bermuda Grass (Arugampul) Benifits

Bermuda Grass (Arugampul)

Arugampul also called as Cynodon dactylon, Bermuda grass, dog's tooth grass, Bahama grass, Scutch grass, Devils grass or Cough grass.

It is amazing to hear that the consumption of this juice clears lot of ailments , the treatment which requires heavy cost.

This type of grass is found plenty in the Asian countries and particularly in India and Srilanka, these can be seen wildly over the roadside and can be used abundantly.

Bermuda grass is the oldest variety among plants. It is said that this grass weathered and withstood all the evolutionary changes through millions of years. The Indian medical systems list out various benefits of this wonderful grass.

Fifteen Medical Wonders of Bermuda Grass

Bermuda grass, (botanical name Cynodan dactylon) called Durva grass in Indian systems, is a wonderful plant of nature. It is also called Bahama grass, Couch grass, dog grass, (arugampullu in Tamil) and Twitch grass. It has weathered and withstood the evolutionary changes that have taken place over time. It has the capacity to withstand any drought. It is the staple food for cattle, favourite of horses and rabbits. It gives them enormous energy to run fast.

Three wonderful facts about Bermuda grass

1) In India it is believed that a tiger never eats grass. But it is a fact that it eats grass whenever it has a stomach problem.

2) The goose eats grass and rolls in grass immediately after its fight with a snake.

3) Sometimes we can see our household animals like cats and dogs chewing grass and spitting it on the ground. It is a kind of medication that nature has provided them.

Wonderful Medical Benefits of Bermuda Grass

Researches have shown that this grass has many medicinal properties. It is widely used in India for grass juice, an excellent remedy for many diseases. Bermuda grass is an indigenous plant of Asia and is superior to wheat grass. It contains crude protein, fiber, calcium, phosphorus and potash.

Bermuda grass juice can be prepared with a handful of grass without the roots (approximately 100 gram). Wash it and cut it into small pieces. Grind it in a mixer with enough water and press it for juice. Coconut water or tender coconut water can also be missed. Do not mix any other thing. Take one glass of this juice daily in the morning in empty stomach. Hold it in mouth for a few seconds to mix with saliva before swallowing it. It is important that food can be taken only after one or two hours.

Fifteen assured benefits of Bermuda grass

1) Bermuda grass is alkaline and helps our health

Most of the food we take are acidic and spoil our health. Grass is an alkaline food which is good for our health. This reduces acidity.

2) Tones up nerves

It is a very good tonic for our health and tones up our nervous system. It is suitable for all ages. Begin with a small quantity as in the initial stage you may feel slightly uneasy.

3) Removes toxins from the body

Constipation is the father of diseases. Grass juice is very good for removing the toxins from your body. It cleanses the blood system.

4) Produces hemoglobin

It contains chlorophyll, life energy, protein and minerals. The chlorophyll is the basis for the production of red cells in blood. Moreover, it also speeds up the red cell production.

5) Immunity to body system

It improves the immunization power of your system and protects you from diseases. It is a natural shield of our body.

6) Reduces obesity

Obesity has become a great menace today and is causing a lot of problems. Grass juice reduces your belly protecting you from obesity.

7) Strengthens teeth

Modern life style is creating more teeth problems. It strengthens teeth and removes the bad odor of the mouth. It also stops bleeding of the gums. Chewing the grass and brushing with it can clean the teeth.

8) Good for breast feeding and infants

One or two spoons of grass juice can be given to infants as tonic which provides good nutrition and improves their health. It protects them from common cold, cough, etc. It also helps their teething. Grass juice improves the quality and quantity of mother’s milk.

9) Best for diabetes

Recent researches have proved that grass juice is the best medicine for diabetes. Grass juice corners are increasing in great number in the Indian cities and villages.

10) Cures all kinds of skin diseases

Grass is used as a remedy for all skin diseases including leprosy.

11) Remedy for piles

Grass juice taken with fasting helps greatly in piles cases. It can cure also the wounds and stop bleeding.

12) A good help in bronchial troubles

Asthma, bronchial disorders and tuberculosis are cured by taking grass juice. It clears the congested lungs.

13) An unfailing elixir for women problems

Grass juice helps women very much during their menstrual periods. It solves many of the menstrual problems. It cures the headaches and other troubles that they get.

14) Energy to withstand hunger

It gives energy to withstand hunger for three to four hours, during which time the inner organs of the body can get good rest.

15) A boost for sex life

Modern sex life is much affected by the fast routines and stress. This grass gives much relief from all these by improving sexual vigor and vitality.

Bermuda grass is an astringent, diuretic, depurative, expectorant, demulcent, haemostatic, carminative and stimulant tonic. Grass juice and powder is available in Indian Khadi Bhavans and other nature cure stores. Many people, nowadays, find the grass powder to be more useful.

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