Wednesday 8 January 2014

The Benefits of Honey and Garlic

Hi Friends,

Like I promised a while ago, I am back with a bang.   I’m here to lighten up your day with the highly inspiring  and health fulfilling topic I promised you. I know you be wondering what I am going to talk about, come on don’t be in haste, you already know if it’s on myrenag.blogspot then it’s going to be hot.  The topic is The Benefits of Honey and Garlic

Do you know that garlic has wonder working properties in it and that taking it along with honey is a very good antibiotic.  Garlic and honey have natural antiseptic and healing properties that can benefit both humans and animals. Numerous studies conducted over time have worked to determine exactly how garlic and honey can be used for general health and maximum healing and medicinal effect for human and animal illnesses and injuries.  This and many more are we going to discuss today. 

The health benefits of garlic are too numerous and I am going tell you some of them here.  Let me tell at this juncture for you to be able to get full benefits of garlic and honey remedy you’ll have to try and fall in love with the smell of garlic or at least “accommodate” it  if you need to stay healthy and in top form most of the time, it doesn’t hurt or cost anything. You won’t regret it in the long run.  Happy Reading.

General Benefits of Garlic

In addition to the flavor and antioxidant benefits it adds to food, garlic has been touted by health naturalists for a multitude of beneficial properties including anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic and possibly even anti-cancer. The antimicrobial activity of garlic has been linked to the sulphides present in garlic oil.

Garlic for Animals

Feeding garlic to dogs has proved beneficial for fighting cancer and repelling fleas. Some animals, particularly cats, cannot process garlic or onion. If administered in large amounts, garlic and onions will prove toxic to cats. In small amounts, however, garlic is harmless to cats and frequently added in small amounts to some cat food.

Honey for Animals

As a topical treatment, honey is safe for use on most animals; it is an excellent dressing for wounds, having special antimicrobial properties usually attributed to hydrogen peroxide, and a viscous texture that acts as a barrier to bacteria and keeps the wound moist. Honey also acts as a topical anti-inflammatory pain-reliever.

Combining Garlic and Honey

A study conducted in 2006 found that the wounds of rats treated with garlic and honey healed faster than the wounds of rats treated only with honey. The honey used in the experiment was unboiled and unprocessed, and the garlic was crushed to activate its healing properties.
Health benefits of garlic produce great garlic cures, add garlic and honey together and you will begin an adventure into a superb health journey which includes the striking uses of garlic for lowering cholesterol.
Don’t even give smelly breath a second thought when it comes to the point of lowering cholesterol, your health and heart is far more important.

Garlic Cures

Perhaps and rightly so garlic cures are most famous and renowned for their ability to thin our blood helping to stop clots from forming and aiding our hearts to pump more effectively and with ease.
Heart disease is our number one killer, so it makes sense to include garlic as often as we can in our everyday diet to help reduce high blood pressure.
Garlic for lowering cholesterol is due to its unique sulfur compounds, these help to keep our bodies chemistry in balance.

Add a couple of spoonfuls of pure Raw Honey with your garlic and it is even possible to stop Alzheimer’s disease, the one thing most of us dread as we age.

There are many who add garlic and honey to a warming cup of tea or lemon to fight off their colds. 
This brilliant drink really helps to shift that obstinate congestion and will have you back on your feet in no time.

Garlic can heal the pain caused by insect bites like those of scorpions and centipedes. The juice of fresh garlic mixed with salt can be applied to bruises, sprains and ringworms.

At the first sign of a cold, chop up 4 cloves of raw garlic and eat or use it as a garnish in soups etc.

Cut raw garlic and rub the cut edge on the tooth and gums a couple of times a day to stoptoothache.
Take fresh garlic cloves and crush them, apply to warts until they disappear.

Crush a clove or two onto a dessert spoon then add olive oil and down the hatch. you get the benefits of raw garlic with none of the breath issues.

Garlic to clear sinuses. Melt some butter and add minced garlic cloves, spread on toast and eat.

Garlic for herpes. Take a garlic clove and cut in half. Eat one half and take the other half and rub into the affected areas. (may sting a little)

Use raw garlic juice on rashes and bug bites, it stops the itching immediately.
8 to 10 of garlic juice mixed with 2 TBLS of honey four times a day cures a persistent cough.
Garlic for tonsillitis. Peel a clove of garlic and cut them in half lengthwise. Boil for a couple of minutes in about 1.5 cup water and add a pinch of salt, teaspoon of butter, a pinch of pepper and sprinkle with nutmeg.

Cut a garlic clove into small pieces. Swallow them all in one go with a little water to cure bloating, stomach cramps and constipation.

10 drops of garlic juice with 2 teaspoon of honey cures asthma.

Health Benefits of Garlic Mixed With Honey

Garlic and honey, a winning natural formula, both extremely important nutritional food sources which blend so well together either eaten alone in their rawest state or as perfect additions for spicing up rather plain and mundane dishes.
By eating honey and garlic we boost our chances of not only living longer, healthier lives but also helping to ensure we don’t become an unfortunate victim of the dreaded Alzheimer’s.
This disease causes the brain to lose 90% of its acetylcholine which is a neurotransmitter. It is used by our brain cells to help us remember things. 
Honey is a great source of acetylcholine and garlic is a great brain stimulant helping it to function as it should and increases our alertness and energy. 
What this tells us is if we want to keep our brains functioning as we get older then honey and garlic are essential foods.
Many modern researchers have looked deeper into these older writings and have made surprising discoveries which has turned modern day antibiotic inventions on their head! 

Health Benefits of Garlic –
Eating Garlic

Food experts like to mix it with tomatoes and ginger to give their food an exceptional boost. In fact many famous chefs use these ingredients in many of their recipes very often combining them with honey.
Of course to really benefit from your garlic it should be eaten raw just as your honey should. 
Just a clove a day is sufficient and as you bite into it you release a powerful antibiotic called allicin. This is the magic ingredient in garlic for lowering cholesterol.
I think most of you reading this article are probably concerned with a heart condition. It’s amazing how quickly we remember to eat healthy once we start to feel unwell. 

To stop the smells of raw garlic it easily available to buy as a supplement in capsule form or garlic tablets and even a garlic pill. 
And some always drink a glass of milk straight after eating their garlic. This is said to neutralize the odor more quickly.
Try not to worry too much about the smell on your breath as this can be alleviated by chewing on a bunch of parsley. This could actually be the reason for putting the two on garlic bread!
If you are on a hot date it is probably best to steer clear of both garlic and parsley! We have all heard the story of flashing a smile at someone without realizing we have a big green leaf stuck between our teeth!

A Word of Warning Concerning  Health Benefits of Garlic

Despite all the benefits of the natural formula, I would like you to take note of these concerns before you rush out to buy your garlic bulbs or supplements. The power of garlic and its benefits make it unsuitable for those of you who are taking insulin supplements.  It is very important.
In fact, although the benefits of garlic are huge, nobody who is taking any form of medication should be eating garlic or taking a supplement before taking medical advice.
It would be best practice to consult with your doctor before increasing garlic into your diet. 
It is also to be avoided in the diets of your pets because it is quite toxic to them. With those all important words of warning out of the way.

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